Sunday, June 25, 2006

Blogger wysiwyg

2) WHY NO LINKS? - I’m still working on this Mac waiting for my freshly ordered Gateway to arrive. The Mac software doesn’t interact with the blogger software properly and it’s tough and time consuming to enter links. Because I’m convinced no one follows the links except for those stories that aren’t widely familiar, I figure it’s no big deal. I swear, I don’t know how you Mac users do it. Don’t you feel like you own a Betamax or something?
I actually created this blog to figure out what he was talking about. Sure enough, Blogger's wysiwyg doesn't work on Safari at all - the Compose tab doesn't even display - and it acts weirdly in Firefox. It tries to put links at the top of the post.

Over at my usual blog, I use Simplog and I don't do wysiwyg. I do have a bunch of javascript buttons to insert HTML tags into the form, but I cut and paste them where I want them. I could probably be writing this faster by composing in my other blog and copying and pasting the HTML over here.

This entry box seems kind of small, too.

So do I feel like I'm using a Betamax or something? Not really. But if interacting well with Blogger's editor was an overriding concern, perhaps I'd get a virus-infested, ugly 5 year-old OS. Maybe on a windows machine this is really an orgasmic editng experience that makes it all worthwhile. Then again, if I only posted on Blogger and wasn't comfortable with HTML, I'd probably compose things in iWeb and paste them in here.

Maybe on a pc, the editor doesn't use a fricking span tag just to make italics.