Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Coconut crabs of Nikumaroro

According to him, there is no evidence that the plane crashed in the ocean. It is more likely that Amelia and her navigator made a landing on the island to become castaways and eventually die there. “If Amelia died on Nikumaroro, her body was eaten by crabs. That’s pretty much a given.” The crabs were not ordinary crabs but known as coconut crabs.
Is this in the new movie?

Prawns threaten Gulf fisheries

Escapees could become an invasive species and disease vector:
Giant tiger prawns first appeared in Louisiana waterways two years ago, and mature adults have been spotted near Lafitte, Grand Isle, Venice and in Vermilion Bay, according to Wildlife and Fisheries.

Tiger prawns are used in aquaculture and first escaped from a facility in Bluffton, S.C., in 1988. But officials believe an additional release may have taken place from a facility in Alabama during Hurricanes Katrina and Rita.

Monday, October 05, 2009